Full-Stack Developer

With a passion for CSS, scalable code, and good coding practices.

About Me

Full-Stack Software Developer with a background in Sound for Film and TV

Experienced Sound Designer that pivoted into a career in Software Engineering. I bring across a slew of technical skills and an ability to quickly learn new tech tools and processes. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my time management and people skills into the dev industry and to work on projects in the not for profit and government spaces.


My Skills

Currently working with:

JavaScript, Node.js, React, Nextjs, Express.js, PostgreSQL, Boomi, Groovy, Sass.


My Work

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Fun game written in Vanilla JavaScript

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CoHousing Australia Website

Website for the Not-for-profit organisation CoHousing Australia (WIP)

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CSS Flex Grid Library

Responsive CSS library to create grids based on viewport and grid sizes. Read more in the "comments" section of the Codepen


Did I mention I've won awards?

It's only best Sound Editor for a short-film, but still counts right?!


Contact Me

Want to get in touch?

If you would like to know more about me or just get in touch with me, please feel free to add me on LinkedIn, you can find a link to to on the footer of this page.
